Monday, January 11, 2010

New way to send greeting cards

I have found a system that will let me send cards and gifts from any computer that has an internet connection. They're real cards, sent in the mail with a real stamp. I was amazed when I found this system. I wondered why no one had ever thought of it before. I love it! I can send cards without having to go to the store, go to the post office, then make sure I send the card on the right day. This system even reminds me when to send birthday and anniversary cards. The best part is that I can customize my cards, even add pictures. I can even create campaigns where I can send one card to many people, such as Christmas cards. The system includes amazing software called Picture Plus to customize photos. I used this photo of Emma and Aedan to create my Christmas card this year. It turned out beautifully. I received lots of compliments.  It was easy and fun.  

Would you like to know more?  Click here